Hotel Strandplevier Suites auf Texel



If you have a question, you can always mail, call or send us a message through our contact form.

Strandplevier Suites
Dorpsstraat 191
1796 CC De Koog – Texel

Telephone: +31 (0) 222 317 348

Contact form

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How do you reach Strandplevier Suites?

Strandplevier Suites is, because of its central location, easy to reach with both car as public transport.

By car
Are you coming by car to Texel? From the ferry, you drive straight on over the Pontweg into the direction of De Koog. As soon as you enter De Koog, you will see Strandplevier Suites on your righthand. After you have checked in, you will receive the keys, which also allow access to your free parking spot.

By public transport
If you are coming to Texel by public transport, you can take the Texelhopper when you get off the ferry. This bus will drive to De Koog and stops right at Strandplevier Suites, stop 34 Dorpsstraat. A ticket from the harbor to De Koog costs €3 per person. The OV-chip-card is not valid on the Texelhopper.
For more information about the Texelhopper, see:

Location Strandplevier Suites